I've heard a lot about Gratitude Journals but never really bought into it. I suppose you could say that I was resisting it. I thought I was thankful and that's the same thing, right? I must be curios about it though since I was paying attention to other peoples gratitudes. Then one day, just before Christmas, I saw a journal in a store. It is black, faux leather and college ruled. I held it in my hands and it fit. A Gratitude Journal came to mind and I held it reverently. On the way home I decided to wait until January the first to begin and I would try to write in it every day. My morning pages told about my journal and I explained everything in there. Morning pages is where you write 500 or more words as early as possible in the mornings. I tell things in there which are top on my mind and I explore ideas. Morning pages is one of the best things to happen to me in a long while. I wrote about gratitude and it being specific and what I hoped to learn from it. I picked up the black journal and held it lovingly. Two days after Christmas it rained torrents. Water filled and overflowed every spot it could. I stepped through the farm gate to start my chores and my foot sunk into a water-filled hole. I looked proudly at my boots and took a picture.
December 27, 2015
I wasn't going to write in my journal yet but I will have to say that I'm grateful for my boots and today I am beginning my Gratitude Journal.

My boots are new boots and they kept the water out. There was a lot of mud and other dirt in the water because it is a barn yard. My old boots would not have kept the water out. They had cracks in them. We looked a long time for these boots because it is hard to find good sturdy boots in my size. My new boots are just right and are comfortable and dry on the inside.
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