Thursday, August 14, 2014

An Awesome Day

Everyday I have big plans at the beginning of the day. Of course my first thought is to go back to bed and get some more sleep, but I know that won’t work because I’m already up. Going back to bed is like trying to get back to the same dream, it just doesn’t work like that. If I went back to bed now, I would try to get comfortable again, the kind of comfortable I just left. But my blood is flowing. It is coursing through my veins and I’ve already begun to sneeze the night dust out of my nose. I’ve already been around the property taking care of the birds and watering the plants, so I’m not in my pj’s anymore and there is dew on my feet. The only other option now is to decide to have an awesome day.
The day is new. Nothing has disturbed it yet. Some people wake up with disturbing things happening. Maybe a houseful of babies, hungry, wet and sometimes downright stinky. Crying and yelling and fighting. Some people are lucky to find a clean mug to have their coffee in when they wake up. And some people wake up not lucky enough to even have a cup of coffee. I’ve experienced all of the above at one time or another. But today nothing has disturbed the beauty of this new day for me. The people in the other situations can have an awesome day as well. Well they can decide to have an awesome day. So my day starts off perfectly. Coffee hot in the coffee maker, quiet all around me, electricity to run my computer. Don’t judge me, it’s not my fault it’s all so perfect. I’m just planning to enjoy it. I’m planning to write and then eat while I have Bible devotions. OK, so I should probably have devotions first, but have you ever tried that? You get up and decide no point going back to bed because if you lay down you will not be able to fall asleep nicely, so you have devotions. How is it that I can not fall asleep in my own bed after I’ve already abandoned it for morning chores but I can fall asleep instantly sitting up at the table trying to have devotions no problem at all? So I’m having devotions with breakfast. I read a few Bible verses from the church Bible Study Guide and some from my daily reading plan. Read the Bible in a year plan is now on the third year and not finished but I’m still plugging away at it. I like it because the Bible is a really big book and I don’t know what to read every day so a plan helps. It’s not like most books which have a logical order and story line. The Bible is made up of lots of stories and letters and genealogies and it’s all very interesting but some stuff is definitely more interesting than others so that’s why I use a plan. That way I will have read the entire Bible through some day.
I’m making plans for my day. I’m going to clean this dirty house from top to bottom. I’m going to whiz around in it for two hours and get it done. I’m going to get the ironing done and finish my weaving project, which I started last winter. I will spend time in the garden taking care of things there. I will do some more whizzing around the various flower beds to set them all in order and burn the weeds. All the windows need to be washed and the stairs are dirty. There are piles of stuff, I’m not sure what it all is, in every corner and between the corners. I will fill the trunk of the car with stuff to take to Good Will so that their will be less to take care of from now on. All the laundry will be done, folded and neatly put away. The toilet will shine. Oh, yes, I will have an awesome day. May even get to work peacefully on my new children’s picture book after I get all that done.
On facebook they have these things going around sometimes with a series of pictures depicting what ones life looks like from different points of view. If you use facebook then you know what I mean and I could stop writing right now because you’ll already know what happens in my day, but for those who don’t use facebook I’ll just have to tell you the truth.
There really isn’t any whizzing around going on here and their won’t be today or any day. Whizzing only works in Disney Movies and imaginations. Real life doesn’t have any of that. I wake Chloe up at 7:30am. From that point on my day is full of someone else’s chatter and ideas and busyness and my peaceful moment is a distant memory. It is as though it never happened. I will be challenged to remember what the most important things to do are. I will put two and the most three important tasks on my list for the day. Laundry and dishes. All right, picking ripe tomatoes and beans. If I manage that on top of the regular chores, duties and school work, and also manage to be nice to everybody and have dinner timely I will feel that the day was great. If I also get to deal with one pile or one of the other things on my wish list I will have had an awesome day. But if I manage to stay on task and accomplish anything at all while listening to the constant and engaging chatter of an eight year old I will feel amazing. And if I also manage this while walking around construction site type of tools and workman type clutter and disorganization I will feel like wonder woman. Today, I have decided, will be an awesome day, no matter what.

Elizabeth Williams, daily writing exercise, 1,005 words.

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