Saturday, January 2, 2016

500 Words 31-days - Day 1

This is a challenge to write 500 words per day for 30 days. Now I know that I don’t actually need a challenge to write 500 words per day, so that is not why I’m interested in this. I’m writing a lot more than that each day because I love sitting here at my computer typing whatever comes to my fingers. So what I’m really interested in getting out of this is the education. I have the habit of writing, now I want the training. I’m looking at this course as a type of training in channeling my writing. Training for my mind. Training in subject writing. Pushing me a little further with each day. I may not do the days consecutively because I already have a pretty full schedule but I will work consistently on this. It will be like those art challenges where you have to draw, sketch, paint etc, a certain thing each day. It is meant to get you drawing and challenge you to go outside of your comfort level. So this is why I am starting the 500 words 30 days challenge.
I will be doing several things now. I am working daily on my Elsie book. Forging ahead with the illustrations. I am also working on a gratitude journal which I’m including in my blog. I am working on the Intentional Blogging course, also by Jeff Goins. I am looking at a monthly drawing challenge as well. This is all on top of homemaking, homeschooling and life. So I like to cram it in. I am living a colorful life no matter what it feels like. Sometimes I look around me and the colors have all blended together into one grayish brown mess and I feel weighed down by the lack of color. I see colors more vibrantly in others lives. Yet I think that may all be an illusion. Because really, I’m writing a book and illustrating another and doing several little challenges and all the other fun stuff, if that’s not colorful then I don’t know what is. I think it may be the discipline required and the long lonely hard working days invested in these projects that makes it feel that way. Or maybe it’s just the dust covering everything. One girl just can’t do everything. I did forget to mention that during school days I am working on a self course in calligraphy. It has really helped me in the self control of my hand. I’m really pleased with my progress and will continue to pursue that craft as I can only see it as a benefit.
So this is day one of the 500 words challenge with Jeff Goins.
I’m not on the same day as everyone else who is on this course but that does not bother me. One thing I have learned over the last few chapters of my life is to not cheat myself out of sleep. Sleep is the reason I am well and my mind functions. So I don’t work into the night. I go to bed at 9:30 pm and get up at 6 am. All my work has to happen between 6 am and 9:00 pm. Notice the half hour for getting ready and stuff. You can follow me on this 500 word challenge if you want to. You can also sign up for it yourself. I am including the link. Either way you can leave me a comment below to let me know how you are doing. Follow along on Facebook as well if you like.

There are currently 2293 other Bloggers in this challenge.

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